Talisman (geplante Verfilmung)

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Beitragvon CatInside » Mo 05.Apr.2004 15:23

November 15, 2003 Updates
-Perelman delves into the world of THE TALISMAN
Source: SciFi
On October 15, it was reported that the long-gestating (since the mid-1980s) Steven Spielberg production of THE TALISMAN, which is based on a novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub, was finally moving forward with a 2005 release date for DreamWorks Pictures.

Steven Spielberg will be serving as executive-producer of the film, along with Kathleen Kennedy, while newcomer Vadim Perelman, fresh off his feature film debut for DreamWorks with the upcoming HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG will be taking on directorial duties.

Perelman recently talked with SciFi Wire about his involvement with the picture and revealed that his assignment on the film came directly from Spielberg himself.

"[Steven Spielberg] called me after he saw the movie for the first time," Perelman told SciFi, referring to Spielberg's screening of HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG. "I felt very honored."

Perelman will be adapting the screenplay from King and Straub's book personally, although it is unclear at this time if he will be developing the screenplay as writer (as he did on HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG) or if he is merely overseeing the writing of Ehren Kruger (THE RING) who was last associated with the project as screenwriter.

October 15, 2003 Updates
-HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG director believes in the power of THE TALISMAN
Source: Variety
It's a project that Steven Spielberg has been dancing around since the 1980s, and after a brief mention of life last year (it was said that DreamWorks was contemplating a mini-series of the property), Stephen King and Peter Straub's 1984 fantasy novel THE TALISMAN looks like its on the fast-track to hit the big screen after almost 20 years since its publication.

DreamWorks Pictures, Universal Studios and Kennedy-Marshall (Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall's production company) will be producing the tale of "a 12-year-old boy [who] goes on a quest in this world and in a parallel universe to acquire a mystical talisman that will save the life of his dying mother."

Most interesting is the news that new and soon-to-be hot director Vadim Perelman (if his upcoming DreamWorks' film HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG lives up to the hype of the phenomenal trailer, you'll be hearing about Perelman, methinks) will take on the film for his sophomore effort. Steven Spielberg will serve on the TALISMAN as executive-producer.

October 22, 2002 Updates
-Spielberg to finally adapt King's THE TALISMAN?
Source: Variety, thanks to Kostas
Ehren Kruger, writer of DreamWorks successful remake of the Japanese horror film THE RING (RINGU in Japan), has signed on to a two-picture deal with Universal that includes resurrecting a long-gestating Steven Spielberg production!

Back in the mid-1980's Spielberg bought the rights to Stephen King and Peter Straub's The Talisman, the tale of a 12-year old boy and his inter-dimensional quest to save his sick mother.

The project hasn't had any press for a very, very long time, but it looks like it has risen like a phoenix for a second life.

Whether the property will be developed as a feature film or a miniseries (something Spielberg has been having great success with lately, and something Stephen King has always had a good run of) is so far unclear.

Beitragvon Schnie » Mo 05.Apr.2004 16:48

Heute schon in die geschaut? Die News per
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Registriert: Sa 02.Sep.2000 01:01
Wohnort: Berlin und Dorfprozelten

Beitragvon Förster » Mo 05.Apr.2004 18:55


Beitragvon Dunkle_Hexe » Di 13.Apr.2004 10:42


Beitragvon OZ » Di 11.Mai.2004 13:28


Beitragvon alacienputa » Di 11.Mai.2004 15:33


Beitragvon fisherman » Do 13.Mai.2004 12:58

langsam haben die neuen jungen Regisseure wenigsten endlich den richtigen look raus!
dreamcatcher und secret window sind zumindest nett verpackt!
die talismanverfilmung wird sicherlich kommen! und fett werden, da bin ich mir sicher!

Beitragvon Zuckeronkel » Sa 15.Mai.2004 02:19

King Power Fan
King Power Fan
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Registriert: So 11.Mai.2003 05:01
Wohnort: Wuppertal,NRW,Germany

Beitragvon alacienputa » Do 24.Jun.2004 15:46

Hierzu lass ich grade folgendes auf Filmspiegel.de

Talisman ohne Glück 24.06.2004
Die Stephen King/Peter Straub-Umsetzung "Talisman" soll bereits seit längerem von Steven Spielbergs Produktionsfirma Dreamworks realisiert werden, bislang gab es bei dem Projekt jedoch hauptsächlich Probleme. Nachdem Vadim Perelman ("Haus aus Sand und Nebel") Ende letzten Jahres als Regisseur abgesprungen ist, nahm jetzt auch der im Mai als Nachfolger genannte Edward Zwick ("The Last Samurai") seinen Hut. Auch das Drehbuch ist bislang nicht zufriedenstellend fertiggestellt worden, trotzdem Produzent Spielberg persönlich das Voranschreiten eines seiner Lieblingsprojekte verwaltet. Wie es nun weitergehen soll, ist zunächst einmal unklar, Fakt scheint jedoch zu sein, dass Spielberg selbst nicht mit dem Regie-Stuhl liebäugelt.

Tja also wird es nochmal einiges daueren bis es soweit ist.

Beitragvon Mexx » Sa 10.Jul.2004 07:37

Morgen Freeman als Speedy/Parkus?

Würd ich sagen IDEAL! :nice:

Lg, Mexx

Beitragvon Jack_Sawyer » Sa 10.Jul.2004 14:19

kann mir jemand sagen, ab wieviel Jahren der Film freigegeben wird? Ihr könnt euch sicher denken, das grade ich sehr heiss auf diesen Film bin. Aber ich bin erst 12 Jahre alt :( .

Beitragvon alacienputa » Sa 10.Jul.2004 14:38



Beitragvon mp » So 06.Feb.2005 17:49


Beitragvon NachtWesen » Mo 21.Feb.2005 17:23


Beitragvon Schnie » Mo 21.Feb.2005 20:05

Heute schon in die geschaut? Die News per
Beiträge: 3164
Registriert: Sa 02.Sep.2000 01:01
Wohnort: Berlin und Dorfprozelten


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