Stephen King hat bei einem Event in Minneapolis das er an einer Geschichte mit dem Titel
If You Bleed arbeitet in der es um Holly Gibney geht. ... phen-king/
What inspired the idea for a sequel about Gwendy 25 years after she first got the button box?
RICHARD CHIZMAR: I guess from just watching the news and seeing that a lot of new, diverse people were elected to Congress, a lot of females, a lot of young people, that stuck in my head. I woke up with a really clear picture of Gwendy and saw where she was all those years after we left her.
So you saw her in office? How did you pitch the idea to King?
I wasn’t pitching Steve, I emailed him and just said, “Hey, I saw Gwendy however many years later, and she’s an elected member of Congress, living in D.C., and the button box shows up again.” That’s all I wrote him. And I just looked at the email that he sent back. He said, “That’s a cool idea, very cool.”
But he didn’t want to write it himself?
He said, “I’m going to be spending the foreseeable future with Holly Gibney [a character in his Mr. Mercedes novels and The Outsider who is a major character in his newest book], but you should write it.”